For my Free Inquiry Project, I have decided to learn the song “Rewrite the Stars” from the movie “The Greatest Showman.” I have played piano since I was very young — around three or four years old. I took piano lessons all my life, but had to stop when I went off to boarding school for my high school years. Although I still love to play, I have found it difficult to find the time amidst work, school, and friends. This project is a great opportunity for me to get back to playing, and to find an “academic excuse” to do something that I love.
The first thing that I did when starting my project was sight read the music. I have included pictures of the sheet music ( I used, as well as links to the videos of me sight reading both the right hand melody and the left hand accompaniment.

For my first true attempt at playing the piece in its entirety, I think it went pretty well! I am glad that both videos are around the same length, meaning that I wasn’t playing one part way faster than the other. For now, I will continue practicing hands separately. I will also work on getting the tempo correct, as well as smoother transitions between notes and page turns.
Pasek, J. & Paul, J. (2018). Rewrite the Stars [Sheet Music]. The Greatest Showman: Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack. Fox Music.