Sketchnoting is a tactic that can be very beneficial for students. The act of linking words and drawings together reinforces topics in the memory, increases engagement in the lesson, and allows for connections to be formed across concepts. During class, I was able to complete a series of sketchnoting basics. As demonstrated below, the aim of sketchnoting is not to create the most beautiful or detailed drawing. In fact, the opposite is true– it is most important to create images as quickly as you can so you can move on to the next concept.

Although this was the first time I had formally heard about sketchnoting, it is actually something that I have been doing for most of my academic career. I have always found it beneficial for my memory when I include a simple diagram or drawing about a concept that I am learning. Although it may not be traditional or official sketchnoting, in my previous astronomy course, it was always so much easier for me to commit concepts to memory if I was able to connect it to a picture or drawing. As you can see from my notes below, the drawings are quick and oftentimes ugly, but they get the job done.

Eventually, I hope to be a teacher of French kindergarten or grade one. Sketchnoting could be difficult with this grade level, as there is not much note-taking going on– it is almost always hands-on or some form of worksheet. This is not to say that drawing would not be useful to these students. Especially when learning a second language drawings can help form connections between the English word and the French word. When students are just starting out, drawings can be invaluable in the classroom– students are able to express themselves in ways that they would never be able to articulate, especially in a second language.
This is a great post! Well done Anna:)
I like that you explain how drawing/sketching can be helpful in learning a new language. I have also been adding sketches to my notes even before our class but I’m glad that now I know the actual benefits of sketching. I wonder if you could implement sketching noting with really young students by providing them with flash cars that have a word on one side so they can sketch the word on the other side.