It has been a while since I have updated my free inquiry blog! That is not to say that I haven’t been practising, however. I believe my piece is coming along nicely. I am finally playing hands together, and although it is difficult, I am proud of how far I have come.
Unfortunately, as you can clearly tell from the video, there are some problem areas. As I have mentioned in previous posts, the further into the piece it gets, naturally, the less I have practised it. This fact is made evident by the last couple minutes of the video. I thought about re-recording; however, I think that it is important to be honest with myself about my progress– this is where I am at, and that is okay. Other than those sections, I think that the piece as a whole is sounding good. The chorus is the part of the piece that I am most confident in playing, and by extension the part that sounds the best.
I am also working on incorporating the sustain pedal. This is a pedal that allows the notes you have played to last longer and continue sounding even once you have let go of the keys. It also creates a nice blending sound; however, as evidenced in my video, a little goes a long way. Holding the sustain pedal for too long can cause a muddled sound that is confusing and displeasing to the ear. Using it sparingly can create a fluid and beautiful melody, which is my ultimate goal.

I can’t believe my free inquiry is almost over! Looking back at old videos it is amazing how big of a difference there is! It is clearly not perfect; however, it gets better and better each time I play. I cannot wait to see what my final submission will sound like!